Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This Friday I will be flying to Ohio once more.
I will see him.
I will see the one I love.

It has been a journey and although it feels as though we have taken two steps back
I am choosing to believe after all this it will be like 10 jumps forward.
Sometimes we haven't finished what we should have before 
and must return to what needs to be done.

I am doing much praying for God's Will. I believe only that will
bring peace to us.
It will be what is right.
What is good.
What should be.

I love him so much.
I will see the one my soul loves.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Before I began to make this post I read my old one.
It seems the "woe is me" is a common state of mind for me to fall into....or rather, anyone.

I feel like I am facing a lot of the same things two years ago which is saddening. I don't want to be on a merry go round anymore. I want to get off.

Right now I feel misunderstood and alone in my feelings. I don't even think anyone will be reading this but honestly, I don't think I want anyone reading this.

I have a question future self...

will I be happy? Will I be with someone who stays by my side and wants to be with me?
Who does all they can to share their life with me?

or am I meant to be alone? Am I alone?