Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Sign or Misunderstanding?

Sometimes I feel like Mary. Everyone is against what makes me happy.


Are these comments made because you want me to see in another perspective? Or is she just being negative?

I'm not as dumb as I look. You know I want to be wise in my decisions.
I don't see what she sees. I understand where she gets her assumptions from and worries from but when I look I see the fruits of the spirit. I see the hunger for You.
Yeah I worry sometimes...I see some little flags that pop up and bring concern to myself but I just pray about those issues...He's a new follower of yours, he's not going to be fully discerned yet or make the best  choices (even I still mess up...after all these years)
I just...

I want to know what you want for me?
Is this it? Or not?
If not  then pray you close any doors that need to be closed.
I don't have it in me to turn away from him. My heart is attached...
Please work in this situation.. You know our hearts, no one else does.
You see past our hair colors, our tattoos, our clothing, our words...
You look into our heart and see the intentions, the loves, the lusts, the attachments.

I will continue to trust you. I know if this is meant by you to work out, it will.
If not. It won't...

It just hurts me. The one person I look up to the most for opinion and such doesn't want to hear about the person that makes me happy these days.
It bothers me so much because I value her opinion and now I don't want to hear them.

I also pray you continue to work in him, God. I know if his heart is still open You will work wonders.
I may not be all that but I know I'm enough for you to want me to be with someone who will hold my hand as we both walk the narrow and less taken path in life. Your path.


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